Data modelling is an essential part of data engineering, and mastering it is crucial for anyone aspiring to be a successful data practitioner. Building SQL transformation pipelines with multiple layers is a challenging task that requires organization and a strategic approach. This blog summarizes some techniques for convenient data structuring and describes the modelling methods used daily. These techniques help in designing and developing accurate, easy-to-navigate, and user-friendly data platforms or data warehouses.

Importance of Data Modelling

Data modelling is the process of creating a data structure that supports the requirements of a business. It involves defining and organizing data elements and how they relate to one another. Effective data modelling ensures that the data is accurate, consistent, and easily accessible, which is critical for making informed business decisions.

A well-structured data model helps in:

  • Reducing data redundancy
  • Improving data quality
  • Enhancing query performance
  • Simplifying data maintenance

Data Model Layers

When building a data model, it’s important to consider the different layers that make up the model. Each layer serves a specific purpose and contributes to the overall organization and efficiency of the data model.

1. Staging Layer

The staging layer is the initial layer where raw data is loaded. This data is often unstructured or semi-structured and comes from various sources. The primary purpose of the staging layer is to store the raw data temporarily before it undergoes any transformation or cleansing processes.

2. Data Integration Layer

The data integration layer is where data from different sources is combined and transformed into a unified format. This layer involves various data transformation processes, such as filtering, aggregation, and normalization. The goal is to create a consistent and coherent dataset that can be used for further analysis.

3. Data Warehouse Layer

The data warehouse layer is the core of the data model. It stores the transformed and integrated data in a structured format, making it easy to query and analyze. This layer is optimized for read-heavy operations and is designed to support complex queries and reporting requirements.

4. Data Mart Layer

The data mart layer is a subset of the data warehouse, tailored to meet the specific needs of a particular business unit or department. Data marts are designed to provide focused insights and support specific analytical requirements, enabling users to quickly access relevant data without sifting through the entire data warehouse.


In a typical data engineering workflow, multiple environments are used to manage and deploy data models. These environments include development, testing, and production.

1. Development Environment

The development environment is where data engineers design and build the data model. This environment is used for experimenting with different modelling techniques, writing and testing SQL queries, and developing transformation pipelines. It’s essential to have a separate development environment to ensure that changes do not affect the production data.

2. Testing Environment

The testing environment is used to validate the data model and transformation processes. This environment mirrors the production environment and allows data engineers to test the model with real data. The goal is to identify and fix any issues before deploying the model to production.

3. Production Environment

The production environment is where the finalized data model is deployed and used by end-users. This environment should be stable, secure, and optimized for performance. It’s crucial to monitor the production environment continuously to ensure data quality and reliability.

Data Quality

Ensuring data quality is a critical aspect of data modelling. Poor data quality can lead to inaccurate analysis and flawed business decisions. Several techniques can be employed to maintain high data quality.

1. Data Validation

Data validation involves checking the data for accuracy and consistency before it is loaded into the data model. This can include verifying data types, checking for missing or duplicate values, and ensuring that data meets predefined rules and constraints.

2. Data Cleansing

Data cleansing is the process of identifying and correcting errors in the data. This can involve removing duplicate records, filling in missing values, and correcting inconsistencies. Data cleansing helps in maintaining the accuracy and reliability of the data.

3. Data Profiling

Data profiling involves analyzing the data to understand its structure, content, and quality. This process helps in identifying data quality issues and provides insights into the data characteristics. Data profiling is essential for designing effective data models and ensuring data quality.

4. Data Wrangling

Data wrangling is cleaning, structuring, and enriching raw data into a usable format for analysis. This involves handling missing values, correcting inconsistencies, and transforming data into a structured format to facilitate accurate modeling

Naming Convention

Using a well-designed naming convention provides a clear and unambiguous sense of the content of a given database object. Having naming policies for tables and columns in place demonstrates the maturity of the data warehouse and aids in development.

1.Table Naming

Table names should be descriptive and meaningful, reflecting the content and purpose of the table. A common convention is to use a prefix that indicates the table type (e.g., “stg_” for staging tables, “dim_” for dimension tables, and “fact_” for fact tables). This helps in quickly identifying the role of each table within the data model.

2. Column Naming

Column names should be human-readable and consistent across the data model. Using a standard naming convention for columns, such as using lowercase letters and underscores to separate words (e.g., “customer_id” instead of “CustomerID”), improves readability and reduces ambiguity.

Data Tests

Data tests are essential for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data model. Various types of tests can be performed to validate the data and the transformation processes.

1.Unit Tests

Unit tests are used to validate individual components of the data model, such as specific SQL queries or transformation functions. These tests help in identifying issues at an early stage and ensure that each component works as expected.

2. Integration Tests

Integration tests validate the interaction between different components of the data model. These tests ensure that the data flows correctly through the different layers and that the transformation processes produce the expected results.

3. Performance Tests

Performance tests evaluate the efficiency and scalability of the data model. These tests help in identifying bottlenecks and optimizing the model for better performance. Performance tests are crucial for ensuring that the data model can handle large volumes of data and complex queries.


Advanced data modelling is a complex but rewarding task that plays a crucial role in the success of any data engineering project. By following best practices for data model layers, environments, naming conventions, and data quality, data engineers can create accurate, efficient, and user-friendly data models. Continuous testing and validation ensure the reliability and performance of the data model, enabling businesses to make informed decisions based on high-quality data.